Coal-Trol Digital - The complete control system for stoker-fired coal stoves
Home Control System TS2BL Thermostat Compatibility Forum Contact Us

The forums at has a great deal of information on Coaltrol thermostats and control systems, and many very helpful people to answer questions about coal stoves in general.

It is possible your Coaltrol questions have been discussed on the forums, so take the time to do a search of the entire forum.  In addition to the Coaltrol topic at the NEPA forums there are a number of other topics covering anthracite coal burning, stoker and hand-fired stoves, coal and stove history, and a number of other topics.  We highly encourage taking a look at all the forums has to offer.

If you have a question that you'd rather not ask at the forum or can't find the answer to there first, please don't hesitate to call us at (315)299-3589 or email us at


Last Updated: September 19, 2022 - Copyright 2006-2023 Automation Correct LLC. All Rights Reserved.